Karen Leslie (KEWAL KAUR)

My experience with yoga goes back to when I was a little girl and was obsessed with my ballet classes and flexibility. I used to get up before school and do yoga with "Lilias, Yoga and You", a program that aired on PBS. I later bought some yoga books and started practicing the more challenging postures throughout my adult life.

After sustaining various injuries that limited my range of motion, I started reading about kundalini yoga, among other forms. I was fascinated with the combination of breath work, endurance building and singing and/or chanting many mantras, and the various meditation practices. I went on to complete Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 1, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, at the ashram in Millis, MA, which was a remarkable and intense experience. It is part of my journey into self-discovery.

Karen's class schedule